020 7909011 / 020 2686857 info@opticom.co.ke
  • About Us
    • CCTV/ Video Surveillance
          • CCTV/Video Surveillance

            CCTV surveillance solutions can help reduce crime and provide valuable insight and documentation for businesses.

    • Access Control
          • Access Control

            Access control is a tool by which you can maintain security of your premises locally or remotely.

    • Time & Attendance
          • Time & Attendance

            Effective time management systems are frameworks and techniques designed to help people manage their time better

    • Physical Security
          • Physical Security

            An electric fence is a powerful perimeter intruder detection system which can be attached to an existing perimeter fence or wall.

    • Alarm & Detection
          • Alarm & Detection

            Installing reliable alarm detection solutions is the easiest way for businesses to help prevent break-ins.

    • Preventing Fire
          • Preventing Fire

            The goal of fire prevention is to ensure the relevant personnel such as family members and staffs are adequately educated

    • Detecting Fire
          • Detecting Fire

            Whilst the main focus of your fire protection strategy should be to prevent fire, should a fire accidentally break out

    • Containing Fire
          • Containing Fire

            This involves reducing the heat output of a fire, reducing the area over which the fire exists or suppressing or extinguishing the fire.

    • Escaping Fire
          • Escaping Fire

            No fire safety strategy is complete without the final part of the plan – escaping fire safely.

    • Building Management
          • Building Management

            Building Management Services(BMS) provide a single sea for monitoring and control

    • Small Medium Businesses
          • Small Medium Businesses

            Opticom has a proven track record of working with small and medium sized businesses.

    • Multi-Site Operations
          • Multi-site Operations

            Multi-site organisations face additional challenges in protecting their employees, customers, premises and assets from the threat of fire and theft.

    • Major Projects
          • Major Projects

            In today’s fast-moving world, one of the most important aspects in safeguarding national or corporate security is information.

    • Smart Construction
          • Smart Construction

            Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is based on the principle that proper design and effective use of buildings and public spaces

    • Finance Solutions
          • Financial Solutions

            A financial institution’s reputation and profitability are based on how well it proves to customers that it is serious about protecting their assets and investments.

    • Educational Institutions
          • Educational Institutions

            When enrolling a child into school, one of the frequent concerns for parents is usually how safe the institution is.

  • Resources
  • Gallery

Schools safety and security always need to be optimized making them safe havens.  They need to be places where parents can send their children without worry and where children can learn without fear with guaranteed security and safety of everyone within the school environment. For these reasons schools are responsible for the implementation of security measures and conducting more formal risk assessments in order to identify their key security concerns.

Who is responsible for school safety?

Shared responsibility for school safety

But just what does school safety entail? School safety is defined as schools and school-related activities where students are safe from violence, bullying, harassment, and substance use. Safe schools promotes the protection of students from violence, exposure to weapons and threats, theft, bullying, and the sale or use of illegal substances on school grounds.
“External” incidents, including unsupervised visitors, gang activity, Trespassing-intrusion to school premises, vandalism, arson and burglary, are ranked higher in all incidents.
What effective solutions can be deployed to solve school security challenges? Let us have a look at a few.
  1.  Installation of CCTV and Access control systems.
  2. Understand the importance of having “layers” of security, one is fencing the entire institution.
  3. Reviewing school security strategies at least annually with involvement of experts.
  4. Personal safety training such as violence and aggression management, defusing violent situations, self defence and training in risk management.
  5.  A proactive approach to emergency management and loss prevention.
Security and Safety measures for schools

Solutions for safe and secure schools

Further to putting in place these measures, virtual security management is foundational to the optimisation of security and safety efficiencies in schools. With virtual security management, costs reduce drastically, efficacious working is attained and transparencies increased hence guaranteeing exponential growth.
At www.optisafe.info we are focussed on providing safety systems that go beyond compliance for schools optimized security and safety. With our vast experience, OptiSafe has not only kept up with the pace of changing technology in Health and Safety but has endeavored to stay ahead of the pack.  Our managed service plan includes a readily accessible Health and Safety Policy, 24-hour access to our call line for any advice or help needed and Legal Consultation concerning Occupational Health and Safety.
Call us on +254718529975 or 020 7909011 to discuss your School security and safety requirements. You can also email us on info@optisafe.co.ke

Protecting your world

25 Years of History

Opticom (K) Limited has roots dating back to the 1990s when the parent company, Optimum Group…

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Free Site Survey

We provide a range of security services to support your business needs. We are offering local companies…

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Expert Services

Opticom is one of the UK's best known providers of fire safety and security for businesses and…

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Occupational Health & Safety

The workplace is one of the places where people spend most of their time…

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